Embracing Change: A Seasonal Reflection on Life (8-minute read)

Seasons of Change

As the crisp air rolls in and the leaves put on their annual fashion show of red, orange, and gold, we find ourselves moving into the heart of Fall. Well, OK… maybe not so much here in Texas… but I am enjoying the cooler mornings in the 70s and daily highs under 95!  I can feel my body craving soups and looking forward to spending more time outside - which I avoid from June to September each year (Texas heat, right?). So I say bring on Fall!

Wherever you live, it’s likely that you are at least starting to sense the changing of the seasons. For some of you, it will include the visual delight of fall colors, and maybe some pumpkins, and slightly different sunsets. Whatever fall looks like to you… it's a great time to remember that change is a natural part of life. Seasonal changes are a perfect opportunity to reflect on our daily practices, energy levels, and routines. Are they serving our well-being, or do we need to tweak things a...

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Community: Creating & Thriving in Support Circles (10 min. read)

Let’s talk about community

The people we surround ourselves with can have a huge impact on our lives in general, especially when we are working on personal growth or specific goals.

Existing in community is a powerful and natural part of the human experience. We are not designed to human alone. Communities are a primary way that we share stories, relate to each other, find belonging, learn, have experiences, and build bonds. It’s where we develop our values, priorities, norms, and goals. It’s how we gather resources and meet our physical and emotional needs, including safety and survival.

Being part of a community is essential to a thriving human experience. Without a sense of connection that comes from communing with others, we are often sicker, struggle more in life, and die earlier! 

A 2021 Harvard study shows that around 36% of Americans experience a sense of “serious loneliness”. That jumps to 51% for mothers with young children and to 61% for...

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